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Active plant feeding


Active plant feeding

Our special recommendations:

magnesium-sulfate-monohydrate, foliar-activ, actipol, actiplonactimag, activ-crops, activ-orchardsactiv-vegetables

Providing plants with adequate amounts of individual nutrients is a prerequisite to generate a high-quality and high-volume yield fit for immediate sale, processing or storage.

Factors such as soil exhaustion, inappropriate soil reaction, imbalances (antagonisms) between elements in the soil, drought or excessive moisture may all exert an adverse impact on the root system’s ability to uptake the required compounds.

Hence, the best solution in this case is to apply foliar fertilizers as they provide plants with a precise dose of micro- or macroelements when they need them most as well as when deficiencies need to be eradicated.

We offer a wide range of foliar fertilizers which are extremely versatile, as well as those dedicated to particular types of crops that allow minimization of nutrient shortages in plants.

In particular, we recommend magnesium sulphate monohydrate – a recognized and valued fertilizer, blending in with the classics of fertilization. Plant nutrition magnesium sulphate monohydrate is the best way to supply plants with magnesium and sulphur – nutrients necessary for proper growth, yield and technological quality.

We recommend a new generation of fertilizers, manufactured using biotechnology, ie, chelates (EDTA lub DTPA), and nutritional formulas containing chelates (minerals given in the organic form). Innovative production methods ensure that our chelates quickly and effectively respond to the real needs of the plants.

We especially recommend our following product lines:

  • Magnesium sulphate monohydrate and another Sulfate fertilizers,
  • FoliarActiv – NPK fertilizer for extra-root nutrition additionally enriched with chelated micronutrients,
  • Mononutrient solid chelates Actipol  (EDTA and DTPA),
  • Mononutrient liquid chelates L-Actipol,
  • Magnesium fertilizers with chelated microelements ActiMag,
  • Magnesium and nitrogen fertilizers with chelated microelements ActiPlon,
  • Boron foliar fertilizers: ActiBor, Super ActiBor – 21, Bor-Zinc Activ,
  • Liquid calcium chelate fertilizer: ActiCal,
  • Activ specialistic orchard, vegetables and crops fertilizers on basis of chelates and amino acids.

For checking recommended plant nutrition for different cultivation, please click on the “Mineral nutrition program” – where you can find specially prepared extra-root nutrition program for all cultivation with our NPK and micronutrients fertilizers.

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