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L-FoliarActiv 360

Nutrients % [m/m] Product N MgO Zn EDTA Cu EDTA Mn EDTA Fe EDTA B Mo L-FoliarActiv 360 27,1 3,1 0,012 0,22 1,05 0,022 0,02...

FoliarActiv PK

Nutrients % [m/m] Product P2O5 K2O FoliarActiv PK 51,00 34,00

FoliarActiv NK

Nutrients % [m/m] Product N total  NO3 nitrate P2O5 FoliarActiv NK 14,00 14,00 46,00

FoliarActiv NP

Nutrients % [m/m] Product N total  NO3 nitrate P2O5 FoliarActiv NP 12,00 12,00 61,00

Fosfi Activ NPK 7-29-20

EC Fertilizer Nutrients % [m/m] Product Nitrogen (N) total Nitrogen (NH2) amic Phosphorus (P2O5) in the form of phosphite soluble in water Potassium (K2O) soluble in water Fosfi Activ NPK 7-29-20 7 7 29 20 The Fosfi Activ line is designed for foliar nutrition of...

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