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Role of selenium in the mineral homeostasis of plants.

Even though selenium has not yet been classified as a chemical element essential in the nutrition of plants, its favorable effects have already been confirmed. In studies carried out in recent years on cereals and other species of crop plants (including the cabbage, head lettuce, cucumber and soybean), it has been proven that plant supplementation with fertilizers containing Se may contribute to their growth rate and biomass accumulation (El-Ramady et al., 2015)2. Selenium as a cofactor of antioxidant enzymes is also essential for the neutralization of harmful free radicals. The antioxidative effects of selenium contribute to hindering the senescence of plant organs (Djanaguiraman et al., 2005)3. Selenium also acts as a regulator, enabling the proper functioning of the immune system. Recent studies have also demonstrated the involvement of selenium in plant reactions to abiotic stress factors such as cold, drought, intense light, flooding, salinity and exposure to heavy metals (Feng et al., 2013)1.


Posted on

Thursday September 3rd, 2020

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